John Samuel GOOD
Abt 1800 - 1855

Page updated December 2023

Marriage of John Samuel Good and Ann Collier in Westminster, Middlesex, England

The marriage was solemenized in the Parish of St James, Westminster in the county of Middlesex in the year 1828.
Samuel and Ann were married in the church by Banns on the 22nd day of December 1828.

Passage to India

In 1829 Samuel and Ann Good had Indian Bonds signed off on to enable them to travel to India for a period of 3 years.
Where Samuel was to erect machinery according to his bond.
In February 1830 Alfred Edward Ulrich Good was born at Fort Worth, Calcutta, India according to his baptismal registration.
Held at St Johns Church in Fort Worth, Calcutta, India.

Passage to Australia

Nathaniel Good and Mary Ann with 1 child departed London then Portsmouth, England, on the 22nd February and arrived in New South Wales, Australia on the barque
Camden on the 2nd June 1836.

They resided at Lake Innes Farm where Samuel was registered as a confectioner on the birth of his son Henry Francis Good in 1837.

Other Children of Samuel and Ann Good

Australian Newspaper Articles

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Wed 9 Nov 1842 Page 2

List of Unclaimed Letters
John Samuel Good
The Sydney Morning Herald Wed 9 Nov 1842 Page 2

Australasian Chronicle (Sydney, NSW : 1839 - 1843) Thu 10 Nov 1842 Page 3

LIST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS for the month of October, 1842
John Samuel Good
Australasian Chronicle Thu 10 Nov 1842 Page 3

The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846-1861) Saturday 24 April 1847 Page 3

IPSWICH. (From our Correspondent.) PUBLICANS' LICENSES.
The following applications for publican's licenses were granted on the
20th instant, viz.-

  1. John Perryman, Bush Inn Cunningham's Gap ;
  2. John Burgess, Half- way House, Gatton ;
  3. Thomas Moore, Caledonian Hotel, Ipswich;
  4. George Thorne, Queen's Arms Hotel, Ipswich ;
  5. Michael Sheehan, from St. Patrick's Tavern to the Golden Fleece;
  6. Martin Byrne, Harp of Erin, new license.
  7. The license of Mrs. Owens, at the Old Man's Water Hole,
    was peremptorily refused by the Bench.
  8. Mr. Nicol and
  9. Mr. Samuel Goode obtained confectioners' licenses.

End of court report.
The Moreton Bay Courier Saturday 24 April 1847 Page 3

The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846-1861) Saturday 19 August 1848, Page 2

On Wednesday, the 2nd instant, a license was granted by the Ipswich Bench for the house lately built by Mr. Thorne ;

In the same paragraph "A transfer of the license held for the Woogaroo Hotel from Mr. Steven to Mr. John S. Goode late of, Ipswich, was also granted."
The Moreton Bay Courier Saturday 19 August 1848, Page 2

The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846-1861) Saturday 10 March 1849, Page 2

DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE - IPSWICH (From our Correspondent.) Tuesday, 6th March.-

A special licensing meeting was this day held before Dr Dorsey and G F Burgoyne, Esq ,
when the transfer of the license of the Wogaroo Hotel from Mr J S. Goode to Mr. John Smith,
late of the Clarence River.was granted,-

Mr. S. having rented the premises from Mr. Daniel Young, who lately became the purchaser of the property,
which, with the alterations and improvements now being effected,
as well as the new landlord's character for civility and attention,
must eventually most materially enhance the value of this snug little homestead

Arrangements are being made to furnish travellers with as many comforts as may be
found in the best tegulated hostelne in the distnct, besides " cead mille faltheagh" from the
jolly host, added to tiny luxury of paramount ?mportance in this parched and sultry
weather-a cool and refreshing bath in a branch of Hie river, secured, even without artificial aid,
from the intrusions of Master Jack Shark.

Thus will the Wogaroo Hotel become the centre of resort tor travellers between Ipswich and Brisbane.
End of article

Wednesday, 7th March. Small Debts Court

The January sittings of the Small Debts Court,
which had to be adjourned from that month in consequence of the non-attendance of the Justices,
as well as the sittings for the present month, were held today.
The first list contained twelve cases, of which the following were heard in court.
W. Robins v., W Gray and Co., and Robins v. J. S. Goode.
These are interesting cases arising out of a bill transaction, but being very complicated,
they were adjourned for a fortnight, when. I shall fully report them.
End of article
The Moreton Bay Courier Sat 10 Mar 1849 Page 2

The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861) Sat 21 Apr 1849 Page 3

New licenses were granted to Mr. Colin Peacock, for the Sportsman's Arms,
and Mr. John .O'Connor, for the Golden Fleece, both at Little Ipswich.

General licenses were also promised to Mr.Henry Foley, for the Traveller's Rest and Mr. John Clune, for the Horse and Jockey,
at Ipswich, provided their houses were approved of when completed.

Confectioners' licenses were granted to Messrs. J. S. Good, Robert Holland, James Kelly, and James M'Mahon.
In granting the licenses of Messrs. Michael Burns, John Burgess, and John Perryman, the Bench expressed their entire satisfaction at
the very exemplary manner in which their establishments were conducted.
The Moreton Bay Courier Sat 21 Apr 1849

The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846-1861) Saturday 5 May 1849 Page 3

IPSWICH. (From our Correspondent.)
WEDNESDAY, MAY 2.-The Bench was occupied today in hearing cases for petty debts.
The presiding Magistrates were Major North and Dr. Dorsey.

James Jones v. John Samuel Good, for ?10. - Verdict for plaintiff - defendant not appearing.
The Moreton Bay Courier Saturday 5 May 1849 Page 3

The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846-1861) Saturday 20 April 1850 Page 2

(From our Correspondent.)

The sole business of today's Court was for considering the applications foi publicans' licenses.
In consequence of a flood in the Upper Brisbane, only two magistrates were present,
viz., Dr. Dorsey, and J. Balfour, Esq.
First on the list of sinners - I beg pardon, I should say publicans -
appeared Mr. Samuel Owens, for the " Woolpack Inn," which was refused,
their worships stating that they saw no reason for differing in opinion with the
Justices who had formerly refused the license.

Second applicant, Mr Henry Foley, for the Traveller's Home, Ipswich, granted.

Third on the list, Mr. John Burgess, of the Queen's Arms. In granting this license,
the Magistrates commented upon the highly credita- ble way in which the house was conducted,
and the great improvements which Mr. B. had effected since he took possession of the premises.
Article continues ...

Confectioner's licenses were granted to

  1. John Samuel Good
  2. Patrick Campbell
  3. End of court report
    The Moreton Bay Courier Saturday 20 April 1850 Page 2

The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846-1861) Saturday 19 April 1851, Page 2

Tuesday last being the day appointed for determining upon applications for Licenses, for Brisbane,
the Bench, consisting of Captain Wickham, and Messrs. Duncan, Feinter, D. M'Gonnel, and Barney,
assembled for that purpose, and tbe applicants appeared in the following order :

Article deleted above this point.
John Smith, "Victoria Hotel," QueenStreet. Granted. ;

John Samuel Good applied for a Confectioner's License, which was. granted. ;
End of court report.
The Moreton Bay Courier Saturday 19 April 1851, Page 2

The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861) Sat 30 Sep 1854 Page 3

Temperance Festival Closure Notice
We the undersigned, here by consent to close our respective Establishments, Mondy the 2nd October at One O'Clock A.M. signed by J S Good.
Moreton Bay Courier 30 September 1854

The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846-1861) Saturday 7 April 1855 Page 2

Applications for Licenses.-
The following applications for
Licenses in the town of 'Brisbane during the ensuing year,
have been lodged with the Clerk of Petty Session :-

Publicans' General Licenses :

  1. James Collins, Sovereign Hotel ;
  2. John Campbell, Victoria Hotel ;
  3. Edward Bond, North Brisbane Hotel;
  4. Jeremiah Scanlan, Sawyei'a Arms ;
  5. John Brenan, St. Patrick's Hotel ;
  6. James Power, Lord Raglan Hotel ;
  7. Wm. Jno. Loudon, Freemasons' Hotel;
  8. Thomas Ensor, Coach and Horses;
  9. Jno. Souter, "Commercial Hotel;
  10. Win. Melville, Caledonian Hotel ;
  11. Robt. Edmund Dix, Steam Packet Hotel ;
  12. Thomas Grenier, Brisbane Hotel ;
  13. William Wilson, Queen's Arms.
    Confectioners' License:
  1. John Samuel Goode
  2. End of court
    The Moreton Bay Courier Saturday 7 April 1855 Page 2

The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846-1861)
Saturday 17 November 1855 Page 2

Domestic Intelligence.
Sudden Death.----This has been a fatal week, no less than three cases of sudden death having occurred in Brisbane alone.

On Wednesday morning, a resident passing along the bank of the river near the Hospital, saw some clothes lying on a rock by the river side,
and they proved to belong to a boy named Andrew Barter, in the employment of Mr. Eldridge, of Milton.

On the same day Mr. John Samuel Goode, formerly carrying on business as a pastry cook and baker in Brisbane, was found lying in a lane near Queen Street, in convulsions, and quite insensible.

He had left his lodgings about an hour before, apparently as well as usual.
Dr. Bell was promptly in attendance; and, after other remedies, were tried,
took about six ounces of blood, which seemed to relieve the deceased.

The fits, however, continued, and he died in the evening.
It was proved that he had been in the habit of drinking, without taking necessary food.

Verdict, died of Epilepsy, brought on by previous habits of intemperance.
The Moreton Bay Courier Saturday 17 November 1855 p. 2

The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846-1861) Saturday 5 December 1857, Page 2


Before W. A .Brown, Esq., P.M , R. R. McKenzie, W. H. Geary, and G. Massey Esqs., J.P.'s.

Elizabeth White, v Margaret Watson.- Assault.
This case was, adjourned again on a medical certificate, that the defendant wus unable to attend.
The Bench recommended the " ladies" to settle out of court.

Mrs. Ann Goode, obtained a confectioners license.
End of court report.
The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), p. 2.

Anne's 2nd Marriage in Queensland, Australia

Marriage registration: Ann Goode
Marriage date:08/02/1863
Spouse's name:Thomas Plank
Registration details:1863/C/106

Burials and Graves

There are no newspaper notices for John Samuel Good and Annie Plank nee Good - maiden name: Collier

Queensland Death Certificate Information

Ann Plank died on the 9th July 1884 at Exeter Street, West End, (Brisbane), Queensland, Austrlia.
She was 77 years of age.
She had Cirrhosis of the Liver and Dropsy for a duration of 2 months prior to her death that was diagnosed by
Dr H C Purcell who saw her last on the 7th July 1884.
Ann's death was registered in writing by her son James Frederick Good of Exeter Street, West End.
Ann's father is registered as William Collier, his profession: Soldier
Her service was performed by E Moore - a Congregational Minister.
That she had 2 Husbands John Samuel Good who she married when she was 21 in Westminster, Middlesex, England.
Thomas Plank she married when she was 56 in Ipswich, Queensland, Australia.
Children recorded were by 1st husband.
Living - John Samuel Good age 44, James Frederick Good age 41 and William Arthur age 39.
Deceased by 1st husband - 1 male and 1 female.

Burial records for Annie Plank
K M Smith funeral director records show the following information for Anne Plank
That her earthly body was transported from Exeter Street in South Brisbane (her sons residence) at 2.30pm.
The following left the residence a Hearse, 1 m Coach (wagonnette)
Paid by the son of her first marriage James Frederick Good.
Coffin size was 5 ft 9 inches.
Anne was interred with another family members Elizabeth Good (nee Heck) who died Sept 27, 1881
That she had Dropsy when she died.

Annie Plank was buried at Toowong Cemetery on the 9th July 1884.
In Portion 1 Section 23 Grave 14.
Her age was registered as 77.
Her religion was Anglican. Her service was performed by the minister E. Moore
Toowong Cemetery - Annie Plank

Others listed at Toowong Cemetery in the same grave site
WILLIAM ARTHUR GOOD - Date of Burial: 2 Jun 1914 - Funeral Directors J Hislop
KATHERINE ELIZABETH GOOD - Date of Burial 23 Dec 1877 - Funeral Directors Unknown
ELIZABETH GOOD - Date of Burial 27 Sep 1881 - Funeral Director WALSH


Dual entries in registration are common in Queensland prior to separation.
Ann Collier as mother is registered variously in Australian Records ~ as Ann Colger/Collins, Colyer, Cottier

William Arthur Good in the Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985
Name William Arthur Good
Death Date 1 Jun. 1914 ~ Death Place Queensland
Registration Date 1914 ~ Registration Place Australia
Father James Frederick Good
Mother Louisa Jane Humphries
Registration Number B019490 Page number 9553

Catherine Elizabeth Good in the Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922
Name Catherine Elizabeth Good
Birth Date 25 Feb. 1877
Birth Place Queensland
Registration Year 1877
Registration Place Queensland, Australia
Father: James Frederick Good
Mother: Elizabeth Heck
Registration Number B021723

Elizabeth Good in the Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985
Name Elizabeth Good
Death Date 26 Sep. 1881
Death Place Queensland
Registration Date 1881
Registration Place Australia
Father John Heck
Mother Catherine Binger
Registration Number B014261


Queensland Government of Justice and Attorney General - Births, Deaths and Marriges. Accessed 1 Sept 2009.

Later Day Saints Family Search Site.

Brisbane City Council Grave Location Cemetery Search
Accessed 6 September 2009 Accessed 13th January 2024 Accessed 6 September 2009

NSW Pre Registration Church records on film

The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846-1861)

Source Citation for Parish of St James Register. City of Westminster Archives Centre; London, England; Westminster Church of England Parish Registers; Reference: STJ/PR/6/14

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. (1836, June 6). The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), p. 2. Retrieved January 4, 2024, from

LIST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS. (1842, November 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved January 13, 2024, from

Advertising (1842, November 10). Australasian Chronicle (Sydney, NSW : 1839 - 1843), p. 3. Retrieved January 13, 2024, from

IPSWICH. (1847, April 24). The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), p. 3. Retrieved January 13, 2024, from

DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. (1848, August 19). The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), p. 3. Retrieved January 13, 2024, from

DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. (1849, March 10). The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), p. 2. Retrieved January 13, 2024, from

DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. (1849, April 21). The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), p. 3. Retrieved January 13, 2024, from

DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. (1849, May 5). The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), p. 3. Retrieved January 13, 2024, from

DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. (1850, April 20). The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), p. 2. Retrieved January 13, 2024, from

LICENSING SESSIONS. (1851, April 19). The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), p. 2. Retrieved January 13, 2024, from

Classified Advertising (1854, September 30). The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), p. 3. Retrieved January 13, 2024, from

Domestic Intelligence. (1855, November 17). The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), p. 2. Retrieved January 13, 2024, from

POLICE COURT. (1857, December 5). The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), p. 2. Retrieved January 13, 2024, from